Teams from England - please provide:


FA Affiliantion Numbers

Please provide us with your current FA Affiliation Number - call 01625 536 609 or complete the form below by 1st July2023


Team Registration Sheets

We ask all teams to complete and submit team registration sheets including players dates of birth by 1st July2023. You will be able to update your list at festival reception before your first kick off if needed.


Accommodation rooming lists:

Travelling teams with accommodations - rooming lists should be with us by 1st July 2023 (Please include special dietary requirements and allergies - Vegetarian, nut-free, Halal, etc.)


Thank you for taking your time to complete this information before the tournament starts. It helps us greatly with preparations and planning. Should you require further details or are not sure about any aspect of your booking, please speak to the organisers - EuroWorld Sports Ltd.

Call 01625 536 609 | email


Frequently asked questions:

  • Team managers will receive an email confirmation from EuroWorld Sports Ltd confirming your team has been entered into the competition. Please check you have entered the correct age group.

  • We know you will be anxious to know your opposition! But … we do not want to spoil the fun! All teams will be revealed when fixtures are published approximately 2 weeks before the 1st kick off.

  • Fixtures are usually available 2 weeks before the tournament start. We will email team managers to inform them.

  • Unfortunately our venues do not allow dogs on site. Please keep your four legged friends at home. Back seat of a car is not a pleasant day for a dog.

  • Please email us with a list of your players with dates of birth. We will confirm which age group is most suitable for your team.